There are full-time and part-time forms of education in Geological prospecting college. The curriculum and schedule of the educational process depend on terms and content of training.
Students of our College will have a busy, impressionable and very interesting life. The teaching and educational process includes not only working training programs and practical classes, but also additional training.
If you are a student of the College, you have to know:
- the teaching process at the College;
- the studying subjects;
- everything related to additional training;
* everything about the educational process.
You are taken by a full-fledged student life, you become a member of the student Council (youth organization), starostat, associations, and if you are active and study well, you will become a worthy student of the honor Board.
There are following specialties in the college :
0701000 “Geological surveying and exploration the deposits of useful mineals”, 0701073- “geological technician”
0702000 “Technology and technique of exploration the deposits of useful minerals”, 0702073- “Mining-technician”
0703000 “Hydrogeology and engineering Geology”, 0703073- “Hydrogeological technician “
0704000 ” Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration the deposits of useful minerals “, 0704063-“geophysical technician”
1514000 ” Ecology and rational use of natural recourses in the field of subsoil use”, 1514063-«ecological technician»