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         The structure of the methodological service ensures the satisfaction of the needs of teachers in solving the problems of the growth of their professional and pedagogical skills, and makes it possible to closely connect the content of the methodological work with pedagogical problems and the results of the real educational process. The college has 10 subject cyclic commissions and a methodical association of class teachers. The main areas of work of subject-cycle commissions are: work on the tasks required by state educational standards for college specialties, improving the educational and methodological support of the educational program, computerization in the educational process, improving the practical training of students, preparing educational and planning documentation, organizing and conducting subject and thematic weeks, open lessons, participation in events of various levels.


        Teaching students the technology of drilling operations, as well as familiarization with the equipment used in conducting drilling operations, its design, repair methods and maintenance

The activities of the SCC are inextricably connected with the studies and educational aims of the college.

The Ecology Subject-Cycle Commission is an association of teachers of natural sciences (Chemistry, Biology, and Ecology) and special environmental disciplines and work in the full-time and part-time departments

Socio-economic disciplines along with other academic subjects play an important role in the formation of a competitive specialist

Each teacher from the SCC has not only pedagogic skills, but is also a direct participant in the work, having long practical experience

The goal and objective of teachers: to provide qualitative knowledge in the field of geophysics to their students

Geological prospecting SCC

The Geological prospecting Subject-Cycle Commission is an association of teachers of special geological disciplines, the teachers work in the full-time and part-time departments.  

General technical SCC

The General technical Subject-cycle Commission can be abbreviated as “MCP”, since it includes teachers of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics.

Finding ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students, the development of their creative thinking and independence

Physical culture as subject of study is mandatory for all specialties